And, though she won with her twitter post, we loved Picksee's original comment:
I must admit that I've never paid much attention to the banned book list, even though, I know I should. I looked today, and it REALLY is the place to find books to read! The books I've read, I've loved. And the ones I haven't, I've really wanted to and just haven't (Sorry Slaughterhouse Five...you've been on my list for years and our copy got lost somewhere-I promise to get back to you!).
But, my favorite on the list is Catch 22. Yossarian is one of my all time favorite literary characters. I'll think of him randomly and smile. He's just trouble. And he doesn't have an internal editor-so if a thought comes in his head, he says it, including his fears. Which, is kind of fearless. I also love the way it reads--it's not an easy read, but it's fun to read. The concept of Catch 22, or circular logic, is throughout-and the story has this depth and commentary on bureaucracies and war etc--but, on the flip side-it's just an interesting story that is really very funny and then dark. If you want to just read it for the story, you can! If you want to read it and think about it and unwind the Catch 22's, you can! I read it well after school was over and it was on my list of, "how did I miss this one again?" It wasn't because it was banned, just, somehow I didn't take the class that covered it. I'm glad I finally picked it up. It is now one of my all time favorites.
Thanks for doing this point - I think I take it for granted sometimes that books such as these get banned. And, I shouldn't because Fahrenheit 451 (a close second to Catch 22 from the list) is about banning books-and I had nightmares about it every night that I read it-I should be more aware. What's happening with Speak is just outrageous and sad and I probably wouldn't have known about it if it wasn't for you ladies--so thank you for the awareness!
Two of my favorite books! If you haven't read Catch 22 or Fahrenheit 451, definitely take Picksee's advice and pick them up! Congratulations Picksee!! Email us and we'll send you your loot!

(So, I tried to comment from my phone, and apparently it didn't take...sooo...take 2!)
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This is so freaking awesome and I'm way excited to read Speak and rock my tshirt! Especially when I walk my dogs by the middle school across the street from us :) (Rocking the tshirt-I'm not sure if I'm multi-talented enough to read and walk 2 dogs at the same time).
Thank you again!!!